The design of your website looks great. That’s fine. As a web designer we have to follow some of the trends to catch up with the latest technology. Responsive web design is one of them. It is no longer an option nowadays. Rather no one is going to buy your website if your website is not responsive. The design of the website must be compatible in major browsers and also in the major gadgets along with the desktop and laptop. The number of mobile users is increasing day by day and also the web visitors using mobile devices. There are many best tools for testing the responsive web design.

The recent data shows that 52.2% of all the web traffic was generated by the mobile. Today all we need is a mobile web. Smartphones and mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful. No one is going to login to the desktop or laptop just to browse some websites. The top website visitors via mobile device in a percentage is listed below:
1. Google: 52%
2. Facebook: 95%
3. Youtube: 37%
4. Amazon: 33%
5. Wikipedia: 20%
Source: based on different internet resources.
But as a designer we cannot have all the devices for testing the websites. So what is the solution? There are many free tools from which we can test the websites. In which device and how it looks. Here are the best tools for testing the responsive design.
Clean and simple design and very simple to use. Just type your website address and you are done. By default it gives the test for the major smartphones and ipad for both landscape and portrait. But it is not limited to this only. The best part is you can create your own responsinator.

Just like the responsinator, it also does the test just by inserting the url of the website. The featured devices include desktop computers, tablets, smartphones and televisions. We can choose the device as well.

Am I Responsive
It is a simple yet powerful tool for testing the responsive website. The best part is it also gives the preview of the website in a desktop,laptop, mobile and tablet in a go. We can also use the screenshot for future use. The worst part is we cannot choose the device from this site.

Viewport Resizer
This one works slightly differently than the above responsive tools. We should not enter the url of the website. All we have to do is to bookmark the website. It is great as we can also run it locally. Sometimes when there is no internet the above is useless but then the Viewport Resizer comes to the rescue.

Resize my browser
This tool works by resizing browser based on any of the 15 default sizes. It matches up with some popular devices (MacBook, iPad, etc.). We can also set our own custom dimensions. It also tells us the current window size.

Responsive test by Designmodo
It is a great tool developed by Designmodo for testing responsiveness. Unlike other responsive tools it also works in the same pattern by entering the website address. It has the ability to test for the mobile, laptop, desktop, tablet. We can also create the custom size.

Responsive Web Design Testing Tool by
Just like the responsive test by designmodo, it allows us to enter the website address or url and renders the website in the given device. It has the testing having the resolution of: 320 × 480, 480 × 640, 768 × 1024, 1024 × 768, 1280 × 800 and 1440 × 900 all in pixel.

It is also among many responsive testing tools and works in a similar manner just by entering the website address. What makes it different from others is it has the slider for changing the screen resolutions.

Responsive test
It is a tool which needs to be downloaded via github and setup locally. It is developed by using the bootstrap, angular js and jQuery. When there is no internet connection it may be the best option.

Google Resizer
Google is great and has a big name in web technology. It also has a responsive testing tool named as Google Resizer. It allows us to enter a custom URL and renders the site in the different devices.

Conclusion: There are not any hard and fast rule to use these tools. It depends upon the time and projects which one to use. So do you like this article on Best tools for testing the responsive web design. Please do not forget to to give comments about your views.
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