SSL padlock error even the site has SSL !

  • 21 June, 2019
  • 0

SSL padlock error even the site has SSL !

Sometimes the unexpected happen like SSL Padlock error. While working on the ssl site we have encounter the problem that’s unexpected and the problem that we have never known. The problem is even the site is fully secured but the padlock is not seen or lets say the padlock is not fully locked. Didn’t get it how that happen. That seems very frustrating and challenging at the same time.

But no worries found the solution after sometimes after google. Thanks to google that helps me a lot in solving my problem.

SSL Padlock error
SSL Padlock error

What is SSL?

In simple language SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. In simple SSL certificates create an encrypted connection and establish trust. SSL certificates have a pair of key: 1. Public and 2. Private key. These keys work together to establish an encrypted connection between the server side and the client side. The most important part of an SSL certificate is that it is digitally signed by a trusted CA (Certificate authority).

The list of some of the largest CA in the market:

  1. Comodo – 42.6%
  2. Symantec (which bought VeriSign’s SSL operations and owns 3. Thawte, GeoTrust, and Rapid SSL) – 15.3%
  3. Go Daddy – 7.7%
  4. GlobalSign – 4.9%
  5. Digicert – 2.3%
  6. StartCom – 0.9%
  7. Entrust – 0.4%
  8. Certum – 0.5%

Why does this error occur?

Even if we set the SSL properly and its valid somehow SSL Padlock error occur. The main reason behind this error is the broken internal links. There are many in the site some internal and some external. The links we are using may not have the valid or proper SSL installed. So lets solve the problem.

  1. Simply go to this website:
  2. Enter you website and click test page and it shows all the possible reasons that why your site is not showing the padlock.
  3. Solving the problem is easy as it shows the reason and the link.

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About Niresh Shrestha

The Tech Guy with 10+ years of experience in web design and development. I write posts mostly about WordPress and other web and internet related stuffs. I love sharing my knowledge with the community. Here I'll be talking about everything about designing and tech related content. Your support would mean a lot to me!

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