Top 7 Secret Photoshop Photo Editing Tips for Beginners

  • 18 August, 2022
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Top 7 Secret Photoshop Photo Editing Tips for Beginners

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular image editing software. Most professionals use this program because it is a complete image editing program to enhance the photos with few retouches. You can perform almost every type of image editing option by utilizing photoshop accurately. You can make the raw pictures flawless by using photoshop tools accordingly. However, photoshop covers a lot of territory in the image editing field which may initially seem beyond the control of a beginner. That’s why becoming a successful photo editor requires tremendous patience and passion for this profession.

Regarding all the issues that most beginners face in Photoshop, here I have come up with the seven secret product photo editing tips. So without further ado, let’s start!


The transform tool of Photoshop allows you to change the size of the image, rotate it, or even distort it. To find Transform, from the top right corner navigate: Edit >Transform > and select the
action you desire.

Also, you can use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + T, to activate the transform tool. A bound box will appear to resize the photo according to your requirements. The most effective way to
achieve this is to position the cursor on one of the box’s rectangular corners. Then move it while holding down the Shift key. Simply hit Enter to complete the process when you’re done.

You can also flip the image horizontally or vertically by pressing Ctrl +T and then right-clicking the mouse. From the popup window select the rotating and flipping options. Press Ctrl + T and then position the cursor on the desired corner of the image to skew or distort it. When you’ve reached the correct position, release the mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key and dragging the cursor down to it. Then click Enter to execute the transformation.

Photo Editing Tips

Adjustment Layers

There is usually more to a truly magnificent image than first seems. The Adjustment Layers tool is crucial because of this. By adding a top layer to your image with a clipping path pen tool in photoshop, the Adjustment Layers tool allows you to change the color and tint of the picture.

The nicest aspect of this function is that you can completely undo your adjustments while maintaining the integrity of the rest of your image by adding that extra layer. Adjustment Layers are located at the bottom of the Layers Panel (a black and white circle icon).

Adjustment Layers

Layer Styles

Layer Styles seem to be a quick and easy way to spice up your image. you can use it on certain layers in your image. Simply double-click a layer to select it, and then select the desired effect. You may choose from a wide range of characteristics, add a stroke or glow, drop a shadow, and much more with only one mouse click, Make sure you don’t go overboard. When utilized excessively, these effects have a propensity to appear cheap.

Layer Styles

Color correction

For photoshop color correction here I will provide you with three easy ways. By practicing these steps, you can solve the color issues of any image with perfection.

Neural Filter: Colorize
The first one is the Neural Filter. This feature is available in photoshop 2021 and 2022 versions. Using this feature the editors can create a cinematic vibe in the pictures with just a few clicks.

Also, it is an Ai-controlled automatic process which has made color correction much easier for a beginner. colorizer is best suited for colorizing a black and white image. To get this filter navigate Filter > Neural Filter > Colorize.

Though this feature provides amazing results still you need to fix a few things to make it flawless. That’s why from the output options check Output on a new color layer then hit Ok. No indicate the color inconsistencies in the image. Then, take the brush tool. Alt-click any color of the image to change the brush to that color. Maintain a reasonable opacity and pain in that area.

Color correction

Automatic method: Curve Adjustment layer

Create a curve adjustment layer of the background image. Now click on the three lines of the properties box of the curve and select Auto Options. Under algorithms, you will find four options: select the one which is compatible with the picture, and don’t forget to check the Snap Neutral Midtones and click Ok.

Curve Adjustment layer

Manual method: Curve Adjustment Layer

Our goal is to find out which areas are the darkest. From the background, the layer creates curves adjustment layers and creates another plain layer and names it an identification layer.

From the curves adjustment layer take the right-most slider to the left, it will make the bright area brighter. Sliding the left slider to the right will make the dark areas darker. You can adjust the curves according to the photoshop requirements.

Custom Shape Tool

The Custom Shape Tool allows the editor to add shapes and other design elements which will provide a new dimension to the image. The Tool Panel contains a ton of expanded options in addition to all the fundamental shapes you could need, such as square, line, circle, ellipse, etc.

The Custom Shape tool is identified by an icon that is somewhat like a jigsaw piece in the Options Bar, making it simple to locate.

Click the small arrow on the right side of the panel once more to access even more shapes. This is the perfect tool if you’re looking for banners, speech bubbles, or arrows of all kinds.

Custom Shape Tool

Cut out hair

Open the image in Photoshop. Unlock the layer by pressing Alt and double clicking on the lock button. Now create a background layer with your favorite color from the Create A New Layer
option. Now select the subject using the Quick Selection tool.

After completing the selection, click Select and Mask. Now Check the smart Radius and slide the radius to the right to find the suitable radius for your image.

Now check the Decontaminate Colors under the Output Settings and play with the position of the slider. After finding the best combination, click Ok.

Now select the layer and press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer. Press Ctrl+E to merge these layers. Hide the background layer to see the final result.

Cut out hair

Skin retouching

Open the image and unlock the layer by pressing Alt and double clicking on the lock button. Press Ctrl + J to create a duplicate layer of the main image and name it layer 2. Now select layer 2 and invert the image by pressing Ctrl + I. Change the blend mode of layer 2 from normal to vivid light.

Now select High Pass by navigating Filters>other>High Pass from the title bar. Change the radius by seeing the preview until the pimples are not visible. Again, Navigate Filters >
Blur > Gausssian Blur and change the radius so that the pimples are not visible.

Now press Alt and click on the layer masking icon. Select the brush tool from the tool panel. Make sure the opacity and flow are 100%. then all you need is to make White the foreground color and black the background color. Now brush the areas where you need to retouch the skin.

Skin retouching


Photo editing and photoshop complement each other. The professional editors create artistic designs using this software. However, it requires a lot of patience to become successful in this profession. Practice more and more to resolve all the issues and experiment with every tool and feature available in Photoshop. This is how a newbie becomes a master photo editor.


What are the basic editing techniques in Photoshop?

Photoshop offers a range of features to make an image flawless. However, you can perform photo cut-out, color correction, shadow adding, and high-end image manipulation.

What do photographers do to edit photos?

You can Crop the image to adjust the frame and draw attention to a specific subject. Straightening to make sure the horizon of the image is level. Moreover, the editor needs to adjust the brightness to ensure a pleasant exposure.

How many pixels is high resolution?

High-resolution pictures have at least 300 pixels per inch (PPI). This resolution produces high-quality prints and is essentially necessary for everything you wish to print on paper, especially if it will be used to represent your brand or other significant printed items.

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About Mark Williams

A professional content writer, writing about photography tips, photography tutorials, and digital marketing since 2008. I take great pride in writing natural content that is easy to read and understand.

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